August 8, 2012


I had such a great experience today at Edelman that I have to share it with you all! I left feeling so inspired and even more motivated than ever, which is such an empowering feeling. I was surprised at how inspirational the employees that spoke to us were to me. Everything that they said resonated with me and I felt so grateful to hear their words of wisdom. I took a few notes on some things that they said, so I will share/recap with you what they were.

1. Be curious & you will discover your passion
2. Find your passions & figure out what makes you happy
3. Brand yourself and think about what talents you bring to the table
4. Leverage your outside passion
5. Aspire to be necessary
6. There is nothing that you are too good to do
7. Surround yourself with people you aspire to be like
8. Build your goals toward the next 2 levels above your job description

I really needed to hear all of these words of encouragement. These are the type of people I see myself becoming one day.

{more about Edelman}
The first thing I noticed about this office was the diversity of all of the employees! It made me smile and I felt like I could actually belong there. The views outside the office of course were amazing.. oh how I am such a city girl!! Edelman is a global agency providing employees the opportunity to work with offices all over the world and to travel. They offer so many programs for their employees and want them to be happy, which is why they have such a high employee retention rate. They encourage their employees to try new things/ways and to have an entrepreneurial spirit (LOVE this). Edelman has done great work in crisis management and has a whole team dedicated to crisis communication and prevention. I am very interested in this part of public relations so I loved being able to get a glimpse of this in an agency setting.

I absolutely loved my visit to Edelman and can't thank their team enough for this wonderful opportunity!