October 2, 2012

30 goals

I've been wanting to share an assignment that I completed in my leadership communication class because it really got me thinking even more about my future. We were assigned to come up with 30 goals, 5 values of greatest importance, and a mission statement. We had to also come up with the month and year in which we would complete our goals. Enjoy reading my goals and dreams!!

  1.  Graduate college in three years (May 2013)
  2.  Get an internship for course credit (January 2013)
  3.  Get a summer internship after I graduate (May 2013)
  4.  Move to Chicago (May 2013)
  5.  Become an account executive at a PR Firm (May 2015)
  6.  Earn a Master’s Degree (May 2050)
  7.  Become a public relations professor (August 2051)
  8.  Start my own public relations firm (January 2020)
  9.  Own my first property (September 2015)
  10.  Have at least three children (January 2022)
  11.  Be happily married (December 2016)
  12.  Be in a healthy and happy relationship (September 2013)
  13.  Work at a global public relations agency (January 2016)
  14.  Buy my parents a home in Chicago and pay off their debt (December 2025)
  15.  Travel across Europe (July 2015)
  16.  Own a vacation home somewhere in the U.S. (June 2019)
  17.   Travel to every state in the United States (October 2016)
  18.  Get a French Bulldog puppy (March 2014)
  19.  Learn how to make an entire meal from scratch (April 2013)
  20.  Become a grandmother (January 2051)
  21.  Renovate an entire home in Chicago (February 2017)
  22.  Finish a 5K in less than twenty minutes (July 2014)
  23.  Live by myself in Chicago (October 2013)
  24.  Go Skiing (February 2015)
  25.  Expand my public relations firm to multiple cities (November 2030)
  26.  Learn how to drive a manual transmission (August 2015)
  27.  Travel alone (July 2016)
  28.  Get a meaningful tattoo (September 2015)
  29.  Own multiple rental properties (October 2028)
  30.  Make a difference in one person’s life (December 2065)