September 24, 2012

Wedding in Chicago

This weekend my brother got married to the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. Their wedding was perfect and I am so happy for them! I wanted to share a couple of photos but I didn't really get a chance to take that many pictures.. I was too busy dancing and having fun! There are lots posted on Facebook and I'm tagged in a few if you're interested but I just wanted to say congratulations to my brother and new sister-in-law. I am so lucky to have gained such a wonderful sister and all of her sisters as well! If I ever get caught up on my schoolwork I will post more.. I literally have 6 different drafts that I need to edit.

Internship update: I was asked to go on an "office field trip" to visit one of our clients in Auburn!! I'm so excited and thankful for this amazing opportunity. Also, if you are interested in my internship let me know and I can give you details - they are looking for more interns.