December 1, 2012

first business trip

Ok, that title just might be pushing it but I'm liking the sound of it! I had another amazing opportunity to visit a client with my internship at Pineapple Public Relations. I have been working on the social media for The Hotel at Auburn University and have always wanted to be able to see what it was like at the hotel and restaurant. So I was very excited when I was invited along! We all left Atlanta together and arrived in Auburn around 5ish Auburn time. We each got our own rooms- this was a first for me- and I was welcomed with a delicious surprise on my huge king-sized bed.

We met for dinner in the hotel's newly renovated restaurant and bar after freshening up real quick. All of the hotel managers, chefs, and more staff met us in the wine room where we were served champagne and plates on plates on plates of their amazing small bites. I wish I took pictures of all of the food but the room was too dark and I didn't keep my phone out (gasp, I know). Everything tasted wonderful and I was already full by the time we made our way to the private dining room. The restaurant is gorgeous and the dining room in which we sat was no exception. I really wish I had pictures, but you can see some on their FB, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest - which I all help manage :) Once we sat down, we were given wine and rolls served in paper bags that were sooo good! After dinner, we made our way to Piccolo, the new bar/lounge area for dessert. 

I have to say that this trip to The Hotel at Auburn University really inspired me. It helped to be able to see and experience the hotel in person and I just love this place even more now that I have seen how great it is. I encourage you all to check out their social media pages that I linked to so you can see what I have been working on at my internship :) Sorry this post is super delayed!!