December 1, 2012

intern diaries finale

My last few days at my internship are quickly approaching and I've been reflecting the past few days on how grateful I am for this experience. I've learned more in my short time here than I have in a classroom. I have always believed that experience is just as important as education and this internship has proved this point. Being at such a small boutique agency, I have been able to do a little bit of everything. I've done so much here and most people just don't even realize what we do in public relations, so in true PR practioner form, here is a list!
  • Created and distributed press releases
  • Created media advisories
  • Ordered publicity
  • Saved and scanned publicity
  • Updated media lists using Cision
  • Created new media lists
  • Created blog posts and posted to the client's blog
  • Created tweets and Facebook statuses and used HootSuite to manage social media
  • Participated in new business proposals
  • Helped with publicity summaries and reports
  • Created publicity presentations
  • Put together requests for 2013 editorial calendars and created Excel worksheet*
  • Posted events to multiple event websites
  • And I can't forget all of the research that goes into everything we do here
*This has been so much fun for me! It may sound crazy but I have been loving this assignment. I created an Excel spreadsheet with every magazine publication in our target market (This includes GA, AL, NC and SC!) and had to find the advertising contact to email and send a request for their media kit/ 2013 editorial calendar. Receiving these emails and being able to highlight these publications has been the best part. I think I might be going crazy, but the OCD in me loves this project. :) 

I think this all really hit me when I got to see all of our hard work really pay off. Getting those papers in the mail and seeing a real-life article on the front page makes it all worth it! It really is rewarding and I can't help but smile and begin to take in what public relations really is all about.