January 15, 2013

First Days at Allied

I'm a little behind with this post, but it's been a busy first week back to school. So far, I love my internship at Allied. The first week I just conducted some research for niche target groups for word-of-mouth pre-screenings for upcoming films. I was assigned my client team-- Disney and 20th Century Fox!!! I'm pretty sure I got the best team. :) I get to work on so many films during my time here and the one I am most excited about is Monsters University! If you know me, you know how much I absolutely LOVE Monsters Inc. Right from the start, this internship is completely different from my last and I can see why having multiple internships is so important. First, there are many many interns. Just yesterday we had nine interns during one day! We are all in a small room separate from the main office with cubicles so it was pretty crowded but I love it. We can bounce ideas off of each other, share what we're all working on, and it's always a great thing to network with people our own age.

The most exciting part of my internship so far? Meeting Hugh Jackman. Yes, you read that correctly. All of the interns were asked if we wanted to attend a private screening of Les Mis after work and we were told that there was a top secret event happening immediately after the screening. They told us that there would be a Q&A with Hugh Jackman and not to tell anyone until after it happened. Yeah. I'm in love with this internship and this amazing opportunity. <3