January 7, 2013

My New Bag!

I had to take my poor MacBook to the Apple store yesterday because everything is just falling apart on it. Yesterday's problem was that my camera was disconnected and I then discovered that my display screen's springs are broken. Anyways, I was at the mall carrying around my laptop and I decided that today was the day to finally get a new bag for it. I have to bring my laptop to my internship and I usually bring it to school so I needed something that would be able to hold books and other things as well. I was probably in the bag department at Nordstrom for an hour and I met the nicest saleslady (a KSU marketing grad) who helped me discover this beautiful tote. It's made by Liebeskind and it is all leather. It has a blue strap that can be taken off if you just want to use the handles, but I sling it across my body since the laptop makes it heavier. It is the perfect size and even has pockets inside for my phone and other small things. Oh and the best part is that the inside is green. :) I just love that this bag is so unique. The saleslady was telling me that this brand will be like Longchamp (the bag I was about to purchase) before you know it.. the price will drastically increase because of its popularity. She said I got it for a great deal, especially for an all-leather bag and I have to agree. The total damage? $248. That's a little bit cheaper than a Michael Kors bag of the same size. Anyways, I'm in love with it and I don't even feel guilty for spending so much money (that never happens). These photos and more can be found at Nordstrom.