July 8, 2013

Craft Night

Last night Grace hosted a Craft Night at her mom's house in the suburbs. Her sisters and their friends were there as well as her aunts and cousins, grandma and mom. I had such a great time and had to share some pictures! Grace had all of her crafting materials set up and had examples of what we could all make. She had small blue vases that were leftover from the wedding so we all chose to decorate those. It's very interesting to see how everyone chooses to decorate theirs. They all come out so different from each other! We had pizza and red velvet with cream cheese frosting cupcakes (my absolute favorite) while we crafted the night away. I can't wait to do this again!
Crafting Materials
The Table Set-Up
Red Velvet (without the red) Cupcakes
So Delicious.
Even Corey joined in on Craft Night!
Corey cut out ducks from a book and put them on a candle holder.
Grace painted a vase white and decoupaged white circles on top. 
She cut out furniture from a book and decoupaged that on top and created rooms on each side of the vase. 
This was the coolest and most creative piece! She's so talented.
This was mine. I cut out circles and mod-podged them all over my painted pink vase. 
I also made a little hair clip.
Everyone's Vases!
