July 7, 2013

Walle Wally Wallie Walley

I don't know how I want to spell Walle yet. I like Walle best but my brother hates it. So I keep changing it. Spellings of names is so important to me though! Whenever I am thinking of someone, I see their name spelled out in my head. Weird? Maybe. But that's how my brain works and not knowing how to spell Walle's name bothers me! Anyways, I wanted to share some more pictures of him because he is just way too cute to keep to myself! Also, I am working on several blog posts but none of them are ready to post yet. I'm so excited to share one post I've been working on that is all about food and restaurants in Chicago. My friend Anna is coming to visit me this month, so I'll have lots more to add to this post so that's why I'm waiting. I'm also working on blog posts about my hair, nail polish collection, etc. I'm really enjoying blogging and I want to write even more now. It feels like an escape and I feel like I have so much more to share! Here are some pictures of my precious kitten:

Have a great Sunday!!