August 21, 2013

Questions to Ask During an Interview

I finally made it to the interviewing stage in my job hunting. I've had about 5-6 interviews within the last couple of weeks. Some in-person and some over the phone. Some are for internships, entry-level positions and even hourly positions. The more and more I interview, the more comfortable I have become. I still always prepare the night before by practicing answering common interview questions and coming with at least 5 questions to ask - no matter what.

"Do you have any questions for me"? This question is the hardest question you will get asked. At least to me it is. Usually all my questions were already answered or I forgot all of the ones that I had prepared. This part of the interview is also the most crucial. This is how they gauge your interest in the position and that's pretty important.

While I was writing this post, I was researching my own questions to ask during an interview tomorrow.. here's what I found:

The Most Important Question

I love using Intern Queen as my resource to look for internships and prepare for interviews, etc. She has great advice and there are tons of articles from contributing writers so there's a variety of perspectives.  I use her post on interview questions to practice for my interviews as well.

Practice Interview Questions

This article hits it right on the spot:

Interview Tips

Good luck!