September 18, 2013

My Biggest Life Lesson

I'm moving back home. You all know this has been one of the hardest times of my life for many reasons, and I needed to change my situation as soon as I could. I can't control not being able to get a job or getting along with all of my roommates, etc, etc. This decision was extremely difficult for me, but I followed what my heart was telling me and decided I needed to move home and look for a job in Atlanta. I love so many things about Chicago and I really am sad to be leaving. Especially since I'm going to be an AUNT!! I know I'll be visiting a ton to see my niece/nephew grow up and maybe one day I will come back to live. I would love that. I also did finally get a part-time job at Victoria's Secret -my dream!!!! - but even that won't be nearly enough to cover rent, etc. I met some really amazing girls and will be working at the flagship store on Michigan Avenue(!!) for two weeks until the move. Then, I will transfer to a store in Atlanta. If you know me one bit, you know I am obsessed with everything Victoria's Secret, so I am really happy about finally being able to work for this company. There will be more on this topic, trust me. :)

I would do so many things differently next time around. Starting with securing a job and having a cushion so I'm not as stressed about finances. I don't regret moving here because if I hadn't, I wouldn't appreciate Atlanta and I would have never known what it was like to live here. I would have always wondered and regretted not moving here. I learned so much about myself and life things and I think it was good for me to get away. 

So, that's my update. I am pretty sad to leave this beautiful city right before it finally gets cold but I think I'll be much happier for now. I have some pretty exciting posts coming soon, so look out. ;)