July 14, 2014

Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara

This mascara deserves it's on post it's really that great. Hands down the best mascara I've ever tried. A ton of beauty bloggers and YouTubers rave about Tarte mascara and I just never bought into it. After hearing about it in three separate YouTube monthly favorite videos in one day, I gave in. I knew I had a sample from a while back that I never opened, so I found it and gave it a whirl while I was in Chicago for the weekend. I know if I'm going to like a mascara or not right away and this was no exception. I was immediately amazed at how long my eyelashes looked from just applying one coat. I was even told that it looked like I was wearing false lashes they looked so long.. yeah that is the exact moment when I was sold! :)

I first tried Tarte's Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara and then decided I needed to try their new Lights, Camera, Flashes Mascara. Both have a unique wand and packaging. I have to be honest and admit that I'm not too crazy about the packaging like everyone else is, but I do appreciate how different and fun it is. I also love that Tarte's products are natural and created cruelty-free. I still haven't decided which mascara I like best.. I think the "Flashes" one is a little more dramatic but they are both amazing. I will most definitely be purchasing the full sizes soon and can't imagine using any other mascara!

After taking pictures of the beautiful mascaras, it resulted in me dropping my beloved iPad mini.. :(