August 20, 2012

senior status!

Today was my last first day of school ever! As an undergrad at least. It felt so great to walk on campus as a senior!! Even though I was in school the entire summer with zero breaks, the first day of fall classes have such a great vibe. Everyone is ready and excited for the semester to begin and I always love seeing familiar faces and finding out who's in all of my classes. My first and only class of the day was visual communications.. a 2000 level course that I probably should've taken freshman year but never had the chance. Most majors in the class were public relations and they're all just getting started in their major classes - oh how I remember those days.. it wasn't that long ago actually ;) I'm kind of excited to see what this class is all about and how I can relate it back to public relations. It's crazy how I see things differently now that I know what public relations is all about! More to come on this topic but for now I am off to get my hair colored back to red!

side note: the picture is sort of unrelated but it's of my beautiful ginger kitty, Eva! My refreshed hair color will probably match hers again :)