August 28, 2012

the windy city

Last night I was really thinking about how close graduation actually is and how much I really want to be in Chicago. I've only ever lived in Marietta/Kennesaw so moving seems like a bigger deal to me, but this is something I want more than anything and I am determined to make it happen. I have had my eye on a few boutique agencies in Chicago and started following a few last night on Twitter. My plan is start applying in February! The thought is so crazy to me but I am so excited!!

In other BIG news... I was offered an internship position today at Pineapple Public Relations! I am beyond excited to start learning and gaining as much experience as possible in the world of public relations. I miss not having any PR classes this semester so this will be perfect. I will be one busy lady this fall and will definitely be looking forward to a cruise in December!

Intern diaries to come!!