May 19, 2013

Disney, Graduation, & Moving Day!

This week has probably been the craziest best week of my life. My best friend and I went to Disney World last weekend to celebrate both of our graduations. She is graduating from high school and as for me, I just graduated from college! Kennesaw State University to be exact. It took me 3 years to earn a bachelor of science in communication with my concentration in public relations and a minor in marketing. What a busy 3 years!! We had a blast at Disney though; I haven't been since I was 6 so it sort of felt like my first time! It was our first vacation we took completely by ourselves and it was just so fun to be a kid for a bit.

I graduated on Thursday and had a wonderful dinner at Seed Kitchen & Bar with my family. It was so nice to be able to see everyone before I left for Chicago on Friday! I love the fact that I moved the day after graduation. :)

So that's what's been going on in my life! I plan to blog more about my new adventures in Chicago and at the Allied office here. I can't wait for my first day on Monday!!