May 27, 2013


I was watching Tangled the other day when it was cold and rainy and I thought it was just so neat that after my third time watching this movie, I was able to relate to it in a new way and take something away from it that I hadn't before. It really spoke to me and brought up things I'm going through right now.

Moving to a new city has been a roller coaster of emotions for me and it's only been one week since I got here. I knew it wasn't going to be easy for me.. Especially since I've lived in the same home my entire life and I'm really close with my parents. I thought in advance of how I would handle my home sickness feelings and ways to cope with my sense of lonlieness and my newfound anxiety. However, thinking about these things and actually feeling it, is really different.

Anyways in this movie, when Rapunzel and Flynn are watching the lanterns light up the night sky, she suddenly feels scared because what if those lanterns aren't as great as what she's imagined and if they are, what will she dream about now? These same exact thoughts have been going through my mind constantly. My dream since I first visited Chicago was to live here, but now that I'm finally here, is it as grand as I believed it would be? Did I make the right decision? One of my biggest dreams came true.. so now what?

So what's with the grilled cheese? Well, there is this insanely amazing Whole Foods near my brother and Grace's apartment - like the coolest grocery store you could ever imagine - and I stumbled upon it while walking around one day and decided to get some lunch. They have a diner, pasta station, japanese wok and sushi area and lots of other food options but I just chose a classic grilled cheese from the diner. It took a lot for me to eat lunch out by myself. I never go out to eat by myself, ever. But on this day, I just decided to because they have tables outside and it was a beautiful day. As I was finishing my dessert, a magic cookie bar, 3 women came and asked me if they could sit at the table I was at since all of the others were taken. I said it was fine, but really I was cringing inside. It wasn't even like a picnic table or anything, it's a square table with four chairs attached and all facing each other. I just felt extra lonely that day to begin with, so needless to say I won't be eating out by myself again.

Now on to some happy news.. I landed a job at Uncle Julio's as a hostess that same day and I'm pretty excited because I do love me some mexican food! I'm not too excited to be working weekends again but I've had a decent break, so I can deal :)