June 27, 2013

My New Edition

Meet Walle, my new kitten!! I was actually not planning on getting a cat while staying at this apartment in Chicago just because I don't know what is going to happen.. who knows what I will be doing one year from now. But I just can't live without any type of pet.. it doesn't feel "right" and I wanted to make it feel a little more like home. Especially because it is still lonely here for me. I adopted this sweet little 5 week old boy from PAWS Chicago, a no-kill cat and dog shelter. They were having their 36 Hour adoptathon and there were so many kittens to choose from, but he stole my heart right away! I named him Walle after Wall-E, the Pixar movie, to go with my other orange kitty, Eva - who I miss terribly. :( Hopefully I will have her back one day and these two will go together perfectly! He is the sweetest little kitten ever.. he sleeps with me all night and is curled up right next to me. And he has the loudest purr! It reminds me of my first cat we had named Ceara. She used to sit next to me and purr until I fell asleep and then she would go sleep next to my mom. Anyways, I'm in love with this little guy. He's already brought me so much joy! Here are some more pictures:

he loves to sleep on me!

this was right after we finalized the adoption! He wouldn't stay put.. and this is probably one of my signature looks. Whoops.
I am 100% positive that I am indeed allergic to cats. This is just so ironic. I've had cats basically my whole life and we have 6 (yes, you did read that right) at my parent's house. I remember my friends could never sleep over at my house because they were allergic to cats and I used to think that was so sad! How could you not be able to pet a cat?! Well, here I am allergic to my sweet baby kitten but I am determined to suffer through and find better allergy medicine. Tomorrow I am going to try a homeopathic allergy treatment, so I will let you all know how that goes! 

Have a great day! :)