June 6, 2013

My New Home

I finally unpacked my last Monsters University box, so I'm officially all moved into my new apartment! It is gorgeous.. so much better than I could've imagined. My next place has a lot to live up to now.

My room is in the basement along with two other rooms and a bathroom. The upstairs has one bedroom, a bathroom, the living room and the kitchen. We also have a deck off the kitchen that is pretty large. Not everything is finished since two of my roommates won't be moving in until a couple more weeks, but I'll post more pictures once everything is set up. For now, here are some photos of the place so far.
My bedding is from Anthropologie and the garland is from Etsy

 This is my little window :)

I also wanted to share some food pics from when my dad was here to move me in. I am so grateful for him and for all of his help this past weekend.. moving is not easy - especially in the city with no car!
We went to this authentic mexican restaurant in Pilsen
This is a massive brownie sundae from Fat Willy's, a BBQ restaurant with the best ribs in America.

I guess that's not very many food pics, but that brownie sundae had to mentioned here. :)