June 12, 2013

Strange Occurrences

There have been several very odd things that have happened since I've been in Chicago. Let me just break them down for you guys..

Strange Occurrence 1: Another intern at my office actually goes to KSU right now and is studying marketing. He's from Marietta too.

Strange Occurrence 2: While on my way to the White Sox sports marketing career fair, I met a girl on the train who not only went to KSU, but also went to my high school! I found out that I actually know her brother too and that we both studied public relations. What a small world. I never just strike up conversations with strangers, but for some reason I felt compelled to talk to her and I'm glad I did!

Strange Occurrence 3: I popped into Chase Bank one day to ask a question about my new accounts and the banker that was helping me recognized my zip code and informed me that he was from East Cobb as well and he too went to Wheeler (my high school). Guys, this was just getting weird.

Strange Occurrence 4: Today as I was walking out of my apartment building on my way to my internship, I saw a red business card on the sidewalk and immediately recognized the logo to be Ogilvy and picked up the card. I loved Ogilvy when I visited the office in Atlanta on my PR study tour. So, I am taking this as a sign and had to write to this person!

Chicago just keeps surprising me and I just had to share stories like these with you all!
