July 23, 2013

The Best Day Ever

This past Wednesday was one of the best days I've had in a really long time! First, Anna flew in from Atlanta to visit me for the week. I made up an itinerary for us and planned out what we will be doing each day she is here! I think I'll post it later.. I'm very proud of it. The day didn't start off so great after I met Anna at the airport because her luggage was "misplaced".. it went to Ohio instead of Chicago! Thankfully they delivered it to my apartment later in the evening, but it was a major inconvenience. On the plus side, she didn't have to bring it on the trains/drag it up and down the stairs at the train stations. We headed back to my place to meet Wally and went to CBA (Chicago Bagel Authority) for breakfast/lunch. I'll be writing about this place in my restaurants post that will very shortly be posted! After lunch we went downtown to Anthropologie and the Bloomingdales mall. I've been meaning to buy some Hunter boots since I'm living in Chicago now and I'm going to need them for rainy days and for when it snows (can't wait!!!). I wanted either red or purple ones because, well why not? Anna and I were looking at them at Bloomingdales and noticed the purples ones I've been looking for were on sale for $99! Cindy (Anna's mom and basically my second mom) has been asking to buy me a pair of Hunter boots, so we decided that these were the ones! We get to the register and they ring up for $65!! We were stunned. It felt like we were getting away with murder! These boots are originally $135 and they're even the color I wanted the most! So that was pretty fun.. but wait till you hear what happened next.
I was invited to a screening of Jobs from my supervisor because she knew how much I love Ashton Kutcher and he was going to be doing a Q&A after the film. If you didn't know before, I love Ashton.. I always have. I used to have posters from teen magazines of him covering an entire wall in my room. But anyways.. it was amazing. We were in the second row of the theater so we were very close. He answered a few questions and it was really great.. he's so down to earth and funny and just how I pictured he would be. As we were leaving though, I spotted Mila Kunis in the hallway outside of a door leading to the stairwell. Mila and Ashton were just standing in the doorway talking to each other like it was no big deal.. I love that they didn't just flee from everyone. I think I got some pretty great shots too. :)