July 24, 2013

Tourists in the City

Since Anna was here for the week, I was able to be a tourist in my new city and we had a blast! I made a great itinerary and wanted to share it with you all. We changed around a few things, so this is just what we actually did instead of my original plan.

Day One:

Brunch at Chicago Bagel Authority (CBA)
Shopping at Bloomingdales Mall & Anthropologie
Movies to see Ashton Kutcher!
Dinner at Quartino

Day Two:

Breakfast at Chickfila
Architecture boat tour with Wendella Tours at 10:30am
Starbucks for drinks to cool off
Michigan Avenue shopping
Lunch at The Grande Luxe Cafe
More shopping
Home to relax
Grange Hall Burger Bar for dinner

It was SO hot on the boat tour!
I got some great photos and learned a lot about the city.. definitely recommend this!

Day Three:

Breakfast at home (bagels)
Contemporary Museum (we didn't like this at all.)
Shopping and lunch at Water Tower Place
Home to relax
Dinner with Corey at Oven Grinder Pizza Co.
Urban Outfitters surplus store & Molly's Cupcakes
View from Contemporary Museum

Day Four:

Brunch at Bakin' & Eggs
Shopping on Armitage Ave (Annual Sidewalk Sale)
Relaxed at home
Dinner at Sakura
Foot treatment & manis and pedis at home

Day Five:

Breakfast at Anna Sather Restaurant
Beach day with Grace & Corey
Dinner at home
Summer in the Second City comedy show - this was great!!
This is on the bridge by the Lincoln Park Zoo

Day Six: 

Breakfast at home
Art Institute & Millennium Park
Panera for lunch
Home to relax and get ready
Dinner at Cozy Noodles
Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z concert at Soldier Field! This was an amazing concert!!

This was the view in the Modern Wing of the art museum 
We were SO high up, but we had such a great view of the lake on both sides, Navy Pier and the beautiful full moon! 

Day Seven:

Breakfast at Glazed & Infused
Chicago History Museum
Dinner at RPM Italian
Ice Cream at Bobtail

And that's it! I had so much fun this past week exploring my city with my best friend and I'm so happy she came to visit me! :)
